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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

LESSON OF THE DAY : Patience is a Virtue


_A man received this message from his neighbour_...
_"Sorry sir_, _I have been using your wife day and night when you are not at home, in fact_, _much more than you do_.
_I confess this now because I am feeling very guilty_. _Hope you will accept my sincere apologies_." _I will pay if you wish to charge service fee_

Immediately after reading the message, the man shot his wife dead.

A few minutes later, he received another message:
"Sorry sir, a spelling mistake...
 I meant _*WiFi*_ not  *Wife* ."

We must be very careful how we react to things, don't be quick to get angry, find out the other person's version of events and allow yourself room to reason before you react. This man killed his innocent wife, just because of a spelling mistake.     

Patience is a Virtue.

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